
Azerbaijan as tourism destination

Azerbaijan is a territory of 9-out of 11 of the world's climatic zones. Climate of our country enables to organize summer and winter holidays.

Frequently asked questions

Azerbaijan is a Muslim country, but more than tolerant towards other religions, nationalities and cultures.

National cuisine

The Azerbaijani cuisine has long won recognition both in the East and in Europe. It was written in ancient written sources by famous historians and travelers.


The first ancient monuments of the Azerbaijani fine art should certainly include the unique rock carvings of Gobustan – the area of Absheron peninsula.

Azerbaijan fact sheet including

Country of our ancestors acted as the golden gate between the mysterious far China and rich European countries needing luxury. It is no coincidence that such kind of attention was paid to the main “team leader” on the route of the ancient Silk Way. The main transport corridors in those early years depended not only on the availability of food and water in stopping points for caravans. Caravan highway ran usually through the countries in which travelers and merchants found a high level of civilization and culture, the absence of war and civil strife, the desire of local people to trade contacts. Together, these qualities are inherent in Azerbaijan.

14 Temmuz 2016 Perşembe
