
14 Temmuz 2017 Cuma

When to go

At any time of year it is possible to visit Azerbaijan. Nine of the eleven climate zones that exist in our planet allow the country to welcome visitors all year round. But each of the seasons, of course, has its own unique colors and features. Which of them will bring you more pleasure can be found only through personal acquaintance with amazingly beautiful nature, the Caspian coast, ancient history and cultural traditions of Azerbaijan. We hope that the information we provide in this section will help you to choose the time to visit our country.

Recreation and entertainment zones located in Azerbaijan along the Caspian coast, forests and mountains will deliver an unforgettable experience to all those who love the sun, sea and sand, picnics and walks on forest trails, swimming under waterfalls and horseback riding. Many tourist regions of Azerbaijan have also numerous springs with thermal and mineral water, which has high therapeutic indices.
One of the main features of the summer season is abundance of vegetables and fruit in Azerbaijan, admiring with their range and local varieties.
Recreation and entertainment zones located in Azerbaijan along the Caspian coast, forests and mountains will deliver an unforgettable experience to all those who love the sun, sea and sand, picnics and walks on forest trails, swimming under waterfalls and horseback riding. Many tourist regions of Azerbaijan have also numerous springs with thermal and mineral water, which has high therapeutic indices.
One of the main features of the summer season is abundance of vegetables and fruit in Azerbaijan, admiring with their range and local varieties. Surprisingly delicious cherries and apricot and honey-flavored peaches, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, pears, plums precede the season of watermelons, melons, figs, grapes, best varieties, which are comparable in quality with only the Greek and Italian.
True gourmets like summer dishes of Azerbaijani cuisine based on local products, preserving its natural taste while cooking. Recently, more and more foreign visitors noted this feature in recipes Azerbaijani cuisine. This primarily refers to the summer barbecue in nature, which is made from fresh, succulent meats, fish, poultry and game. Barbecue in Azerbaijan is famous for at least an Italian tavern, inn Slavic, French bistro, Japanese seafood restaurant ...
And all dishes are served necessarily cheese, greens, great meats and pickles, occupying pride of place on the menu.
Centre of attraction visitors and tourists in Azerbaijan, as well as all fans of high art is Gabala Music Festival - a festival of classical music as well as jazz and mugham, which has held every summer since 2009 (late July - early August) in the Azerbaijani city - Gabala .
The festival is held at the initiative of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, with the support of Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Musical performances take place at an open-air in the chamber and concert halls Gabala. Orchestras and singers around the world take part in the Festival. Every two years there is an international piano competition.
Since the fourth festival was held from July 22 to August 5, 2012, gathering 350 musicians from 10 countries. One of the guests of honor was the London Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Charles Dutoit.
Official site of the Gabala Music Festival:

Summer in the capital

The capital of Azerbaijan – Baku has attractive summer in many respects. The city is surrounded by numerous resorts and beach zones: Mardakan, Zagulba, Bilgah, Buzovna, Nardaran, Shih, Novkhani, Pirshagi, Dyubandy, etc., where the luxury hotels have recently built, and private beaches have opened and the service is provided by modern standards. Today hotels such as Jumeirah Bilgah Beach Hotel, Sea Breeze, the family-entertainment complex AF Hotel-Aqua Park, Khazar Golden Beach Hotel and others are very popular. In the capital and its suburbs there are open several aqua parks where you can spend your time if you are not a fan of sea swimming.
Those who have not visited Baku will be interested to know about the reception of guests in hotels of different categories  in the capital of Azerbaijan. They are luxury hotels, quite a large number of business hotels, boutique hotels, charming, unusual, family, and even romantic.
Baku at night like a shining metropolis of ultramodern fantastic film. Baku seacoast boulevard - one of the best in the world, the most attractive place for all who come to the capital of Azerbaijan, regardless of the purpose of visiting the country. Gorgeous landscaping, shady alleys, comfortable cafe serving delicious ice cream, desserts and snacks of any kind, tea, a yacht club, attractions for children and adults, a shopping and entertainment centre Park Bulvar. The true ornament of the National Seashore Park - Baku Crystal Hall, a shining neon lights was opened on the eve of Eurovision Song Contest 2012.
Many pleasant impressions you can get during a visit to parks and gardens of Baku city. Philharmonic Park, Officers’ Park, Molokan garden and other gardens in the city are especially beautiful and well-furnished. It is interesting to visit the Botanical Garden and Mardakan Arboretum which contains a rich collection of various types of world flora. There is also new funicular which has been the recently reconstructed according to modern standards.
Tour fans will learn a lot of interesting things while visiting Baku, its historical and architectural monuments and tourist facilities such as  historical and cultural reservation Icheri Sheher, Shirvanshahs Palace, Archeological and Ethnographic Museum, Gala, State Historical-Artistic Reservation Gobustan, historical and architectural complex Ateshgah, and other sights of the capital.

Calm, sunny days, warm sea and summer-green forests, parks and gardens which begin to change their colors in late October - a real pleasure to spend autumn in Azerbaijan! Staying here will be filled with beautiful experiences without worrying about the weather often interfering the program of staying the tourists in other countries.
Autumn in Azerbaijan - what could be more tempting for fans of generous gifts of nature! In place of the figs, watermelon, walnut, walnuts, quince come persimmons and pomegranates. This is the time of ripen of amazing and taste fruits with red succulent seeds that reach pound weight.
It is no coincidence that in October Goychay region of the country holds a bright Holiday of Pomegranate – it is a real festival and fair which attracts many foreign tourists. Green wine - grape, pomegranate, raspberry, cherry and strawberry - aptly complements fish dishes which are prepared in autumn at reputable restaurants and roadside cafes, where there is always a comfortable place for a passing traveler. Fresh jam made of local fruits and berries are popular among all visitors of Azerbaijani tea house.
In late September, beloved Baku Boulevard is magically shining. Here, several significant events are celebrated in the National Seashore Park.
On September 20, Azerbaijan celebrates Day of oil workers and signing of well-known “Contract of the Century”, the number of participants of which today is 34 companies from different countries.
On September 27 - at the World Day of Tourism, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism often holds interesting events. So at different times on this day concerts, exhibitions of works by artists of national art, gift drawings, folk festivals, etc. were organized.  
In autumn the capital holds annually Baku International Jazz Festival which involves the most famous artists around the world. Many foreign jazz stars come here and demonstrate publicly their talent along with Azerbaijani musicians. The festival concerts are held at the Baku Jazz Centre, the International Centre of Mugham, Heydar Aliyev Palace in Baku Philharmonic. The official site of the festival -
Visiting Baku in autumn is a great chance to get acquainted with the theatres and museums of Baku. Visiting the Museum Centre of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Museum of History, Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami, Azerbaijan State Museum of Musical Culture, Miniature books, the National Museum of Art, of course, will deliver no less positive than familiarity with a variety of theatres of Baku. Among them are unique in architecture, history and repertoire - the Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theatre, Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, Azerbaijan State Russian Drama Theatre, Azerbaijan State Musical Comedy Theatre and many others.
Many foreigners visiting Azerbaijan for the first time in September-October are interested in visiting historical sites of the country covered with glory of millennial secrets. One of the tourist routes will lead you to the unique place -  Beshbarmag mountain, where, according to the legend, the saint Hyzr opened the source of immortality. No less exciting and informative the tours to Khinalig village, Guba which is famous for its unique traditions and culture, or trip to the fortress Chirag Gala (IV-V centuries.) near the village of Gala-alty, called “lamp”, etc.
And the fans of hunting, fishing, picking mushrooms, medicinal plants can visit the picturesque woodlands which are rich with their quiet lakes, streams and protected medicinal groves where the trophy will please the most demanding traveler.
Every year, more and more foreign tourists visiting Azerbaijan in December endeavor to be in the historic area ​​Sheki where at the end of the year offers a unique equestrian tournaments and competitions. One of the most popular is Chovgan - ancient Azerbaijani game competition of riders. Judging by the interest shown to these tournaments in many regions of the country, we can talk about the revival of the national project of the elite game, royal noble eastern version of polo.
Winter in Azerbaijan is a lovely season of local food lovers and culinary surprises.
Precisely in the cold times it is good to eat a hot amber broth - hash (aspic) of beef feet which is preparing for the night on a low flame or hot dushbara (national dumplings) afternoon and evening, rosy meat pie - fijim from sheep pulp, roasted onions, minced garlic, pepper and dried herbs, baked in dough, as well as delicious and tender piti in clay pots. This transparent fragrant soup flavored with saffron, served with pepper, sumac, mint, tomatoes or chestnuts.
What a winter without seafood? Generous Caspian is able to meet the most biased demands of judges of magnificent assortment of fish dishes that will be offered by many of the restaurants of the capital and regions. Sturgeon sauce “Absheron” with tomatoes and cheese, stuffed salmon, lamprey in a hot frying pan and fried on its own fat, kutum (Black sea roach) with raisins and nuts baked in the oven or tendir, fish kebabs and balyk ...
Would you like to enjoy a frosty succulent oranges, fresh lemons and tangerines which are served to the table in Azerbaijan through the winter? These fragrant citrus always give a sense of the holiday, and, are cheaper than in other countries.
In general, in Absheron Peninsula, where the Baku is situated, the winter is moderate with average temperatures of 4-6 degrees. But if you want to enjoy all the delights of winter holiday in Azerbaijan, then snow paradise awaits you in the mountains Gusar and Guba regions, unique summer and winter sports and tourist complex “Shahdag» ( This mountain resort which second to none in the Caucasus worthy of the best epithets. You can hold international competitions in winter sports, as well as a vacation any time of year! On the territory of about 2,000 hectares are built five luxury hotels, chalets and cottages in the eastern style, laid ski tracks, a ski school, ski lifts, snowmaking system ... even orchards and trout streams! At the top of the mountain Shahdag, at 2,500 meters, there will be built a revolvable restaurant which can be reached only by cableways. The Complex receives its first guests in 2013. Here, in a clear winter day in the vicinity of Laza village, Gusar you can make interesting excursions to several icy waterfalls.
Obviously holiday fairs organized for celebrating the Day of Solidarity of the World Azerbaijanis on December 31, and New Year, are of great interest and most of the best restaurants of the capital are full of people, because the space is booked in advance! And the regions successfully hold Tea Holiday, usually in the towns of arts and crafts, as is customary in Lankaran, in southern part of Azerbaijan. Numerous guests gladly buy flavored products of local and foreign tea factories, take part in the tasting of this fine drink, as well as competitions, where winners are awarded with valuable prizes.
Among winter surprises of Azerbaijan, of course, is the famous music festival named after Mstislav Rostropovich. This international festival is organized every year by the President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO, Ms. Mehriban Aliyeva in Baku. It is like a real celebration of music, which is attended by world-famous artists and musical groups. More details about the festival can be found on the official website of the Foundation of M.L.Rostropovich, at  address:
The main and the most spectacular event, which is open to all travelers who visited Azerbaijan in spring, is Novruz holiday - the symbol of the coming spring. Every year on March 21 all Azerbaijanis meet this ancient national holiday by preparing to it for four weeks. A number of holiday traditions and rituals of Novruz holiday surprise and delight foreigners during the whole March. Many people specifically travel to regions, for example,  Yukhari Salahli village where they become the witnesses of classic ritual, just like old times. During the celebration of Novruz holiday in Azerbaijan people visit each other, exchange gifts and many sweets that are prepared in every family.
On the eve of Novruz holiday the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev annually congratulates the Azerbaijani people, and with the members of his family takes part in the festivities which take place in Baku before the Maiden Tower, the Old Town and the National Seashore Park. On September 30, 2009 Novruz holiday was included in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO. And on February 23, 2010 the United Nations declared March 21 the International Day of Novruz.
The Azerbaijani spring pleases all with the wonderful weather and stormy generous variety of colors of nature. This time of year the Azerbaijani cuisine offers vitamin menu consisting of succulent , spicy and sweet vegetables. Although in winter they are always on sale, but there is nothing to compare with spring grasses. Gourmands will, of course, like green kutaby, kuku, sabzi-pilaf. Do you want to enjoy the unique culinary products, to take part in the festivities of pilaf, try more than fifty (!) types of this crown dish of the Azerbaijani cuisine with the most tender lamb, herbs, chestnuts, apricots, walnut, raisins, traditionally served on a huge plate? Cinnamon, cloves, pepper, turmeric, cumin and other spices give the dish a very exotic flavor.
Another important event of the Azerbaijani spring attracts a lot of tourists from abroad, experts and connoisseurs of music. In March Baku hosts international festival “World of Mugam” that Heydar Aliyev Foundation organizes in the centre “International Centre of Mugam”. Famous singers of popular music genre, professionals mugham art come to our country within the framework of festival, and in parallel with contests of mugham singers, numerous mugam operas and symphonic concerts and classical mugam, international scientific symposiums are also held here. The festival ends with a gala concert which brings full house at the Baku Heydar Aliyev Palace. More information about the festival, enter the official website
Bright Flower Festival on the Boulevard in May - a real palette of artistic festival where the pictures are painted with vibrant colors, and huge lawns serve as  pavilions in the central squares of Baku and mile-long flyover of Seashore Park. Thousands and thousands of blossoming flowers, sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow which are brought specially for the festival from many countries, and the skilled craftsmen  change them into memorable pictures, murals, frescoes and “sculpture.”
Spring is magnificent also far beyond Baku. Foreigners called Gabala a small Switzerland in honor of magnificent beauty of the Caucasus Mountains. Mountain meadows and forests attract tourists with their beauty. Hunters and fishermen are always pleased with the results of their trips. It provides freedom for lovers of ecological tourism. In the north-west of Azerbaijan ancient mosques, temples, mausoleums compete with unique natural artifacts. Tourists usually visit the shining “Golden Rock”, Alpine eylag (pasture) “Golden Throne” Blue Valley “Inge” (“Fine”), a mountain of black sheep, and visit the lush riparian forests along the rivers or in the caves of Mount Aveydag.
We also have places that do not have similarity in the world where people come in the spring and throughout the year, such as the temples of Health and Life. Naftalan - a resort town with health spas and resorts, located in Goranboy region, which many years ago became famous throughout the world for its Naphthalan oil. This oil is called Median oil, and we also should remember the famous Argonaut Jason whom sorceress Medea gave miraculous ointment, healing from fire. This is how myths and legends are confirmed true! Even in ancient times, thousands of people from different parts of Asia tried to get rid of diseases in Azerbaijan, taking away Naftalan oil, and now the same thing happens.

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